Watch One Piece (Dub) Episode 97 For Free _HOT_ On Go...
Ryan BurgessAll right, I have two picks, both fairly relevant to our topic that we're talking today. Today. There's an engineer on our team Nazneen, she wrote a article on called the pivot point. It's really about how to excel in your career and pivot your growth along the way. It really outlines a lot about what we've been talking about today about thinking about the long term plan versus short term tactical. It's a really great read, I highly recommend reading that one. And then there's one of my favorite articles that I will always go back to when I think about giving feedback. It's called radical candor. And it's really about how to give direct feedback and actionable feedback. And I think there's a lot of really, really great material there. And to me, ultimately, when you're giving or receiving feedback, I think that's an important piece for your growth as an engineer. As a person, anyone in your career I think it's really valid. So definitely check out that article as well. Before we end the episode. I want to thank Michael, for joining us. Thank you. It was a pleasure having you. Where can people find you?
Watch One Piece (Dub) Episode 97 for free on go...