Infinite Love Is The Only Truth, Everything Els... ~UPD~
What does mediation imply in the now? Mediation is a holistic process that involves three parties to settle a dispute. It is done with the help of the third party or a company known as a mediator (Moore, 2014). If a person has favorable experience, education, and training related to the subject of the conflict, he or she could become a mediator from any background or any culture globally and receive payment from the interested parties (MacKay, 2017). Numerous corporations resort to this service in order to tackle the issues much faster than in the court. It is a perennial win-win practice that allows all the conflicting parties to reach a positive agreement in a timely manner (Keethaponcalan, 2017). Moreover, this is always essential for both parties, because every businessperson respects and values their time. The interested individuals recognize that the saved time can be used for further evolution and progressive development. Mediation is an ideal standard that is holistically relational as it arouses positive emotions such as moral and stress relief and creates ever-lasting relationships. With some exceptions as cases involving legal proceedings, legislative or judicial ones, the most extraordinary, all-pervading element is that any professional can become a mediator regardless of race, religion, education, socioeconomic status, culture, or nationality and initiate their journey of mediation in expanding infinite love everywhere.
Infinite Love is the Only Truth, Everything Els...
Mediation is mandatory for execution in simple to complex conflict resolution processes and can be independent or co-dependent with legal perspectives (Phillips, 2001). However, mediation offers more of an integrative, holistic, and humanistic approach to conflict resolution which may also entail similar functions as a litigation, while diminishing the major stressors (e.g. misuse and expenditure of time, money, and resources in a win-lose battle), and increasing the ideal of win-win standard in all situations. When two conflicting parties arrive at a consensus with the help of a mediator, they also may require to sign a legally binding agreement document (Rodriguez, 2012). Another party may in turn apply to the court and by means of this document confirm their rights. Therefore, the interdependency of the legal processes is also a crucial point if later one of the parties starts to avoid fulfilling their obligations. Most importantly, the mediator serves from the heart as a mutually dependent guide in tune with the infinite, the supreme heart, and all other hearts. The classical mediator not only helps to create win-win situations, but also generates preventive strategies, provides continual education, and coaching to maintain steady and healthy relationships and, expands the magic of love everywhere endlessly.
The mediator is not interested in helping just one of the parties, but he/she assists in resolving the conflict for the benefit of the whole as soon as possible. Furthermore, the unique practice of facilitative mediation has significant advantages over arbitration and litigation since it represents a win-win ideal and contributes to the reduction of stress, tension, and hostility between the conflicting parties. Overall, mediation enables to avoid presenting a large number of documents, attending a court session, and facilitates arriving at a decision in a time-efficient and cost-efficient manner. Since the mediation process can be launched at any time and implemented anywhere globally (e.g. online or in-person), it saves the time and resources of the parties considerably. Finally, holistic and integrative mediation encourages empathy, respect, dignity, and, most importantly, spreads infinite love for the benefit of the whole human family.
Thesis Part B is this: Love is not only the purpose for creation, it is also the meaning and purpose of our lives. Simply put, the reason we are here is to learn how to love, and to be perfected in love. Those who do not love do not know God, for God is love (1 John 4:8). So learning how to love is the reason we are here.
Culminating in the great healings of Christ Jesus and his disciples, Bible history conclusively shows that power is spiritual, originating only with God, good. And today, through prayer as understood in Christian Science, we can prove again the reality and victory of God, of Truth over error, Love over hate. These proofs, or healings, are achieved by acknowledging - and realizing - that God, Spirit, is indeed All, and that His creation, expressing His nature, is spiritual and perfect. Therefore in the final analysis everything unspiritual is unreal.
V. Education and the Future of Religion.It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I have spoken unto you are spirit and are life. -- ST. JOHN, vi. 64. RELIGION is life in and with God through Christ Jesus; and the stronger, the purer, the more loving the life, the higher and the holier is one's religion. The Saviour came that men might have life and have it more abundantly. In Him the life of the Eternal is made manifest. He has given to the world a truer idea of life's worth, of its sacredness, of its meaning and end, than without Him it is possible to have. His words are spirit and life, the preaching and practice of life. They that know and love Him are refreshed by rivers of living water. They that follow Him have the light of life. He is the way, the truth, and the life. His whole work is in favor of life. He gives sight to the blind, speech to the dumb, strength to the weak, courage to the despondent, faith to the doubting, pardon to sinners. He lays down His life that men may have immortal life. He is the resurrection and the life; and they that believe in Him, though they be dead shall live. He is a vital principle for the whole human race. He answers the deepest cry of man's nature, which is for life and liberty. The highest life is the highest we can know. It is perfect power, knowledge, goodness, beauty, love. In God it is revealed as a trinity; on earth, it appears as a trichotomy. It is vegetable, animal, human: it is physical, intellectual, moral. It manifests itself in faith, hope, and love; in art, science, and religion; in the individual, in the home, and in the social aggregate. All values derive their worth from their power to sustain and develop life, and the importance of institutions is measured by their influence on life. Life, more life, ever-increasing life, is the end; as absolute infinite life is the cause and beginning of all things. All else is but a means. A soul that thinks and acts in the light of thought and love is more than a universe of suns and planets in which there should be no conscious life. Hence material progress is good only in so far as it serves spiritual ends. The world exists for man; and man exists that he may know and love God, and thereby ceaselessly grow in power and quality of life, become more and more like unto the eternal and all-perfect Being, by whom and in whom and through whom and for whom he must live or else dwindle and perish. The law of man's life, therefore, is growth. He must continue to grow, or he will lose vital force; and as he develops, the institutions whereby his life is sustained and fostered must adapt themselves to his increasing wants. As in order to live he must renew himself, and therefore change, the environment in which he is placed must lend itself to his widening needs, and therefore change. As God gives to Nature the power of self-renewal, it is incredible that He should refuse this power to His higher spiritual creation. Growth is development, and the universal means God has given us to unfold and strengthen our being is Education. The noblest individuals, the noblest races, are those which have received the best education. Religion itself the worship of God in spirit and in truth, can be maintained only by education. By doing and by teaching, by suffering and by dying, Christ founded the kingdom of heaven. He commanded His Apostles to go and teach all men, having shown them first that they could be true apostles and teachers only by loving one another, by loving all men, by loving human perfection, the image of God in the soul. The secret of power lies in education, in the education which strengthens and illumines the mind, which purifies and enlarges the heart, which forms and confirms the conscience. To educate rightly, we must touch the depths of man's being; we must speak to him in the innermost recesses where faith, hope, and love are born, where God is present and appealing. We may not lay the chief stress upon practices, however commendable; on usages however venerable: we must address ourselves to the mind and the heart more than to the senses and the imagination; to the reason rather than to the memory; to the whole man, if you will, but never to the logical faculty alone. The truth which not only makes us free, but makes us strong and loving, is not a dead thing. It cannot be ticketed and laid away like specimens in a museum. It is not a collection of formulas or a set of rules. It is life, the life of the soul; it is love and beauty and goodness. It is what we live by, and it is only by loving it that it can be possessed. If we are to educate aright, if we are to make men Christ-like, we must not only help them to see God in all things, but help them to sympathy with all that He has made and makes; we must enable them to perceive and feel His presence not alone in the monuments and deeds of the past, but chiefly in the courage, wisdom, knowledge, love, and power of those who are living and acting with us and around us. To be catholic, we must accept and rejoice in all truth and goodness. We must love not only our friends, but our foes as well; not doubting that they, too, in ways beyond our seeing, help to fulfil the divine purpose. No human being knows enough, or loves enough, or hopes or believes enough, or is happy enough. Let us, then, without fear or misgivings, throw ourselves into the great world-struggle for truth and justice and righteousness; do what in us lies, to make men Christlike, to bring the kingdom of heaven nearer, to make all understand that God is in the world, and that as man becomes more like to Him, the more shall he feel what a divine privilege it is to be alive here and now to work for the salvation of the race. To this end let us put away all narrow thoughts, all sentiments that divide and weaken. Let us be persuaded that God calls all men to a higher life even in this world: first of all, the oppressed, the disinherited, the weak and abandoned, The greatest service we can do a human being is to give him a right education, physical, intellectual, moral, and religious. If it is our duty to do good to all, as far as in us lies, it is our duty to labor for the education of all; that no child of God may live with an enfeebled body, or a darkened mind, or a callous heart, or a perverted conscience. Since it is our duty to educate, it is our duty to give the best education; and first of all, to give the best education to woman; for she, as mother, is the aboriginal God-appointed educator. What hope is there of genuine progress, in the religious life especially, if we leave her uneducated? Where woman is ignorant, man is coarse and sensual; where her religion is but a superstition, he is skeptical and irreverent. If we are to have a race of enlightened, noble, and brave men, we must give to woman the best education it is possible for her to receive. She has the same right as man to become all that she may be, to know whatever may be known, to do whatever is fair and just and good. In souls there is no sex. If we leave half the race in ignorance, how shall we hope to lift the other half into the light of truth and love? Let woman's mental power increase, let her influence grow, and more and more she will stand by the side of man as a helper in all his struggles to make the will of God prevail. From the time the Virgin Mother held the Infant Saviour in her arms to this hour, woman has been the great lover of Christ and the unwearying helper of His little ones; and the more we strengthen and illumine her, the more we add to her sublime faith and devotion the power of knowledge and culture, the more efficaciously will she work to purify life, to make justice, temperance, chastity, and love prevail. She is more unselfish, more capable of enthusiasm for spiritual ends, she has more sympathy with what is beautiful, noble, and godlike than man; and the more her knowledge increases, the more shall she become a heavenly force to spread God's kingdom on earth. Doubtless our failure to win the hearts of all men is due in no slight degree to our indifference to the education of woman. The Church, in virtue of its divine institution, has the supreme and absolute right to teach Christian truth and thereby to influence all education. To her alone Christ gave the commission to teach whatsoever He had revealed and commanded; and none who believe that He speaks the words of the Eternal Father may refuse to hearken to the voice of His historic Church uttering the things that appertain to religion and salvation. Christ did not send His Apostles to teach all knowledge, but to teach His religion; to teach the worship of God in spirit and in truth, in lowliness of mind and purity of heart, as men who hunger and thirst for righteousness. In all that concerns the religious life the Church has the office of Christ, represents Him and speaks with His authority; and to enable her to do this with infallible certainty, the Holy Ghost was sent and abides with her. But Christ did not teach literature, philosophy, history, or science; and consequently He did not establish His Church to teach these things. He founded a Church, not an academy. Non in dialectica complacuit Deo salvum facere populum suum. He left natural knowledge where He found it; left it to grow by accretion and development, through the activity of special minds and races, with the process of the ages. He bade His Apostles teach whatsoever things He had commanded them -- the doctrines of salvation and the principles of Christian living. These things He came to reveal; these He lived and died to plant in the minds and hearts of men as seeds of immortal life. God doubtless might have made known from the beginning all the truths of science; but this was not part of the divine economy. For thousands of years the race was left to make its way amid the darkness of universal ignorance; and when here and there a ray of light fell from some mind of genius, it seemed quickly to be extinguished amid the general obscurity. The philosophy and the science of Plato and Aristotle had been in the world for three centuries when Christ came, but He made no allusion whatever to them. He neither praised nor blamed these great masters of all who know. Those whom he denounced were not the teachers of wisdom, but the formalists, who, holding rigidly to the letter of the law, and adding observance to observance and rule to rule, had lost the spirit of religion, had apostatized from the infinite love, which is God. Christ came to bring immortal faith and hope and love to man. He uttered no word which might lead us to suppose that He considered literature or philosophy or history or science as an obstacle to the worship of God in spirit and in truth. He denounces greed and lust and indifference and heartlessness; but He does not warn against the desire to know, the desire to upbuild one's being on every side, to become more and more like unto God in power, in wisdom, in goodness, and in beauty. He lays the stress of His example and teaching upon religion, upon eternal things. He tells us that we cannot serve God and Mammon, but He does not say that faith and reason conflict. We are human because God is present in the soul; we have reason because the divine light shines within us -- the light which enlighteneth every man that cometh into this world. There can be no real contradiction between God and His universe, between nature and the supernatural, between faith and knowledge. On the contrary, the universe is the manifestation of God's wisdom, goodness, and power. Nature and the supernatural both come from Him; and in wider and deeper knowledge, we shall find a foundation for a mightier and more spiritual faith in the Eternal Father and His divine Son. Truth cannot contradict truth; for truth is true because it is enrooted in God, who is absolute truth and at one with Himself. Things are what they are, and God has given us reason, that we may see them as they are. The false can never be proven to be true, and the Author of truth cannot teach error or give grace to believe error. All truth is orthodox, whether it come to us through revelation, reaffirmed by the voice of the Church, or whether it come in the form of certain and scientific knowledge. Both the Church and the men of science must accept the validity of reason, and must therefore hold that reason cannot contradict itself. Knowledge and faith both do God's work, both help to build man's being into ever-increasing likeness to Him. Let us not emphasize the opposition between the temporal and the eternal. God is even here, and even now we are immortal; and whatever helps us to do His will by serving more effectively our fellow-men, is sacred and of priceless worth. The giving of a cup of water in the right spirit is divine service; and so is the patient research which leads to a knowledge of the causes of suffering and disease, and thereby enables us to shut out pestilence or to make uninhabitable regions wholesome. How infinitely difficult it is to preach the gospel effectively to those who live in ignorance and poverty as in the shadow of the darkness of death! All who have striven and who strive to educate the whole people, to bring opportunity of a freer and more human life to all, have been and are, whether intentionally or not, workers in the cause of Christ for the salvation of men. With what misgiving Catholics and Protestants regarded scientific astronomy when it first began to gain acceptance! And yet what has it done but make known to us a universe infinitely more wonderful and sublime than men had ever dreamed of? So it is with all advancing knowledge. In widening our view of God's work, it gives us a more exalted conception of His absolute perfection; and at the same time it puts into our hands more efficient means of working for the good of man. A truly catholic spirit deems nothing that may be of service to man foreign to the will of God as revealed in Christ. We hold fast to the principle of authority: and at the same time we believe that man's mind is free, and that he has the right to inquire into and learn whatever may be investigated and known. If the Church is to live and prosper in the modern world, Catholics must have not only freedom to learn, but also freedom to teach. The spirit is not a mechanism, and when it is made subject to mechanical rules and methods it loses self-activity, becomes dwarfed and formal, and little by little sinks into impotence. A servile mind can never know the truth which liberates. Christ did not found His Church to solve philosophic, scientific, or historic problems. These have been left to human research; but Catholics, if they hope to present effectively their supernatural beliefs to an age of civilization and culture, must not neglect the chief means by which the mind is made strong, supple, and luminous. Our men of ability, whether priests or laymen, must be encouraged to put to good use the talents with which the Creator has entrusted them; and to prepare them for this all-important work we must leave nothing undone to provide them with schools equal to the best. If we isolate ourselves and fall out of the highest intellectual and moral life of