Making.Lovers.After.Stories (2).rar
having serious issues with the .rar files. 6 out of 7 refused to be unpacked some made part way but then stopped. Perhaps they are corrupted? Anyways im going to redownload and try again. But i was wondering if they were damaged during download or if they are just broken or if my unzipping software sucks?
Making.Lovers.After.Stories (2).rar
I've done some research and I couldn't find how to do this. I know WinRAR has a built in way to do this, but it won't let me keep the names. It just renames them to Foldername1.rar, Foldername2.rar ....
Miss Dream hosts a collection of scanlations of manga by Naoko Takeuchi for download. By selecting the links below, you can view the galleries for each particular project, as well as download .rar archive files. Our manga releases have been converted into .pdf format for use on your eReader of choice.
Anyone clicking the link was directed to a MEGA download page. The .rar file to download weighs in at 4.1MB, and comes with the password "111" supplied. Artists expecting to find ape jpegs are in for a horrible surprise, not least because it does in fact contain several ape jpegs. It also contains something elsepretending to be an ape jpeg. Observe:
I get the theme to apply when i click it through the .rar folder, i also extracted the folder to the Themes, but everytime i start the computer my settings go back to windows 2000 or something like that and my desktop changes to the classic XP one, how do i get it to stay the royal noir all the time?
Another document is related to the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), an initiative that provides researchers opportunities to conduct and undergo research exchanges in Japan. Notably, the documents in the compressed file attachment(EN).rar are mostly image files. The malicious DLL and the executable, which are used for the next layer of sideloading, are also included among them.
I got this game in the bundle and was pretty excited about it but after I unzipped the file and selected the windows version it refused to open, saying my computer cannot run .rar files. Does anyone know how to fix this?
como puedo solucionarlo?, y me podrías explicar mas detalladamente el paso tres "NOTA: No tenemos los recursos para actualizar los archivos .rar continuamente. Por lo tanto, si la versión ha estado disponible durante algún tiempo, es posible que el archivo de licencia yahaya caducado. Si es así, ponga el nuevo archivo .lic en la misma carpeta que el archivo de script, usando el nombre SYBASE_ASE_TD.lic. Nonecesita editar los archivos .tar.",
"Update, 13th March, 2020:For legal reasons, we can no longer offer the ASE license as a separate downloadable .rar. Therefore, the best option is to upgrade to 7.52 SP04 which is valid until 31st March 2021, . . . . "
And then this is where it gets interesting: The first folder has 14,669 .rar files in it whilst the second has a further 8,949 .rar files giving a grand total of 23,618 files. This is where the "more than 23,000 hacked databases" headlines come from as this is how many files are in the archive. Because it's relevant to the story and especially relevant to people who find their data in this breach via an HIBP search, I'm going to list the two sets of files in their entirety via the following Gists:
Let's drill deeper now and take a look inside one of these files and I'm going to pick " 1.515.111 [HASH+NOHASH] (Arts)_special_for_XSS.IS.rar" simply because it's one of the larger ones. Here's the contents:
At least one other site in the collection was previously (publicly) known to have been breached and in this particular case, was already in HIBP. For example, " 287.560 [HASH+NOHASH] (Adult)_special_for_XSS.IS.rar" is already in HIBP as a sensitive breach. I'm sure there are probably others too so inevitably this isn't 100% new data, let's see if we can put a number on that: 041b061a72